OBRAL - MNC Asset X Ulfa Nadhifa : "Beautiful Investment in 2023"

JAKARTA, 28 February 2023 - Investment is no longer a new thing in all circles of society, from employees, housewives, entrepreneurs and students. This is evidenced by the higher growth rate of investors in the capital market, based on KSEI data as of the end of December 2022 the number of investors in the capital market has increased quite a lot, namely 37.68% or a total of 10,311,152 investors compared to 2021. The variety of investment instruments and the better Financial education and inclusion in society are also factors that accelerate investor growth.

Many people think that women´s investments are only in gold and property, but in fact women investors also have quite a stake in the Indonesian capital market, according to KSEI data for January 2023, the total assets of women in the capital market touched 280.43 trillion. Apart from gold and property, investment instruments such as mutual funds, stocks and bonds are also quite attractive to run for women, to look for other profit opportunities.

In response to this, PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) through the MNC Asset Management (MNC AM) business unit will collaborate in the SALE (Financial Talk) program with Ulfa Nadiva who is a stock investor and content creator with the theme "Beautiful Investment in Year 2023” via IG Live on Tuesday, 28 February 2023, at 19.00 WIB.

In her statement, Ulfa Nadiva opined, “Nowadays there are many investment instruments in the capital market, such as stocks, mutual funds and bonds, so that I personally as a woman am encouraged to learn about other investment instruments, so that it is not limited to stocks. The hope is that by increasing education on other capital market products, women will be able to maximize profits from the investments they make. What are the attractive investments in 2023 for women? Together with MNC Asset, we will discuss starting from investment instruments, opportunities and strategies," said Ulfa.

Annafrid Nikijuluw as Business Manager of MNC AM and also the host on IG Live said that, "There are many investment instruments that women can do, so the hope is that after participating in this SALE event, women can seek income from investment instruments other than gold and property. This collaboration will definitely be very interesting and exciting, so don´t miss this collaboration?

Want to know how the review is beautiful? Check out the full discussion tonight at 19.00 WIB – 20.00 WIB on the accounts @mncasset and @ulfa_nadiva Don´t miss it!