Money Market Mutual Funds Great Place for Emergency Funds

JAKARTA - Every individual definitely wants a prosperous life in all aspects, including financial stability. Financial well-being can be planned early to prevent someone from getting caught in debt. One of the right financial plans is to prepare an emergency fund.

Emergency funds are funds prepared to anticipate emergencies and are generally needed quickly. Within the financial pyramid, an emergency fund is a stage of financial security that must be met by individuals in addition to other primary and security needs such as life insurance and education.

For individuals who have successfully fulfilled an emergency fund, it is advisable to start investing with financial goals. Investment is recommended when individuals are able to meet primary needs and emergency funds. One form of investment that is easy for the public to follow is mutual funds.

Mutual funds are a place for a group of investors to invest in investment instruments available on the capital market. Available funds will be managed by the investment manager. Mutual funds are an alternative for investors, especially small investors and investors who don´t have much time and expertise to calculate the risk of their investment.

Mutual fund investment has several advantages, namely minimal risk and competitive returns. Mutual funds can also provide an opportunity for small investors to start investing, another convenience that can be obtained is time efficiency. Mutual funds are managed by investment managers, so that investors do not need to monitor their investment performance.

Current emergency funds can be stored in money market mutual funds because they are easy to liquidate. The money market mutual funds belonging to MNC Asset Management, namely MNC Dana Lancar, have an indicated return of 4.29% net p.a and MNC Syariah Barokah which has an indication of a return of 3.98% net p.a based on NAV as of 17 July 2023. Customers can purchase both money market mutual funds via the motionfunds.id website.