The Power of “Cash Is The King” during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jakarta, 14 September 2020 - It can´t believe it, the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic has been going on for more than 5 months. Various domino effects have been created that have changed the order of life. One sector that has been hit hard by the pandemic that has affected more than 210 countries is the economic sector. Many businesses have collapsed, massive layoffs, salary cuts and others.

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Support the Government in Solving the Jiwasraya Case, This is MNC Asset Management´s explanation

Jakarta, June 26, 2020 – Named as one of the suspects in the corruption case of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) (“Jiwasraya”) , MNC Asset Management (“MAM”) confirmed that the mutual fund product owned by Jiwasraya is a single investor and only one product from 36 mutual fund products managed by MAM.

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MNC Asset Management’s Explanation In Response to Media Coverages

Jakarta, June 25, 2020 - After the report of the announcement of 13 corporate suspects over alleged corruption cases of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) ("Jiwasraya") circulating in the media, MNC Asset Management ("MAM") confirmed that MAM would follow the applicable legal process and is committed to help the Attorney General’s Office (“AGO”) to resolve the case.  The following are clarifications from MAM’s management:

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MNC Asset Promotes Online Mutual Fund Seminar During Social Restrictions

Jakarta, 26 Mei 2020 - Sejak pemerintah mengeluarkan aturan pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) di beberapa wilayah yang masuk dalam kategori zona merah. Seluruh kegiatan pendidikan beralih dari tatap muka menjadi via daring. Baik pendidikan tingkat dasar sampai tingkat perguruan tinggi, semuanya menerapkan kebijakan belajar dari rumah.

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MNC Asset Management Holds National Coordination Meeting

Jakarta, 16 March 2020 - Executive Chairman of MNC Group Hary Tanoesoedibjo (HT) attended the national coordination meeting (rakornas) of PT MNC Asset Management in 2020. On that occasion, HT advised the company to continue to improve performance. The 2020 National Coordination Meeting carries the theme “Dream Big, Work Hard, Make It Happen!”. All MNC Asset Management employees attended the National Coordination Meeting.


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